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Create Tag Easier With Tag Generator!
In previous post, how to create tag, i had teach old school style of creating tag.
Today i have received comments from Raimi, he suggests a tool to generate tag, so it called tag generator for easier way. Thanks for your suggestion Raimi and I’m really lucky cause when I am searching for the selected blog for this week, you came to me!. =p
Now, we will use Raimi’ suggestion which is using web base tools. ( Im actualy using the firefox extension to create a post).
The steps are:
1. Create complete post but do not publish yet.
2. Select keotag tag genarator at
3. Thinks the appropriate tag for the post. For example for this post im using “tag generator”. So remember to put “+” to become “tag+generator”.
4. Select the social bookmarking services that you want to use. Techorati, or anything else.
5. Copy and Paste the Code that created for you to your post
6. Publish your post and we are finished!
Easy right?
I believe that there are many tools that you can used. So dont forget to share it here! Give a comments. For next post, i will tell you how to use editor for firefox extensions, Performancing for firefox. Only firefox users can use it. So why don’t try firefox? :p