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Code Blog Tips Blog is a blog that will give tips and tricks for you to gain more traffic and some money with goggle adsense. The tips and tricks will base on template, tools and adsense for blogger. So subscribe this blog feed or newsletter at left sidebar to get latest updates. Plus, code blog tips will select ONE blog per week at Blog Of The Week section to showoff as example to our visitors. Want to be review too? Just leave a comment at the latest post and you will. Thanks and see ya!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Latest Post:

Create Tag Easier With Tag Generator!

In previous post, how to create tag, i had teach old school style of creating tag.

Today i have received comments from Raimi, he suggests a tool to generate tag, so it called tag generator for easier way. Thanks for your suggestion Raimi and I’m really lucky cause when I am searching for the selected blog for this week, you came to me!. =p

Now, we will use Raimi’ suggestion which is using web base tools. ( Im actualy using the firefox extension to create a post).


The steps are:

1. Create complete post but do not publish yet.

2. Select keotag tag genarator at www.keotag.com

3. Thinks the appropriate tag for the post. For example for this post im using “tag generator”. So remember to put “+” to become “tag+generator”.

4. Select the social bookmarking services that you want to use. Techorati, del.icio.us or anything else.

5. Copy and Paste the Code that created for you to your post

6. Publish your post and we are finished!


Easy right?

I believe that there are many tools that you can used. So dont forget to share it here! Give a comments. For next post, i will tell you how to use editor for firefox extensions, Performancing for firefox. Only firefox users can use it.  So why don’t try firefox? :p

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Latest Post:

How to create tag

In the previous post Do You Tag Your Post, I have write about the usage of the tag. In this post, I will resume about how to create tag using technorati.

The steps are:

  1. visit to technorati web, http://technorati.com
  2. claim your blog
  3. Configure your blog – put blog title, blog description and your blog tag.
  4. Put the tag at the end of the post. Here’s the code:

Technorati Tag for this post : <a href=”http://technorati.com/tag/This%20is%20 tag>This is tag</a>

So what will people see is:

Technorati Tag for this post : This is tag

Note : when u have a space between the tag word, we put %20 for the spaces.

When u have more than one tag, use comma(,).

Do you experience the usage of tag? Or problem to use tag? Share with others by giving your comment.

Technorati tag: blogger tools, tag, how to create tag

Monday, June 19, 2006

Latest Post:

Do you Tag your post?

What is tag?

Simple explaination =  keyword

How tag works for us?

When people searching the keyword that is tagged to our post at the live bookmark services, our post will be listed. Seems to be same as search engine does right?

Not for one thing – our post will be listed by time. Fresh content come first. Yes, that mean our post will be listed first if our post is the latest one with the keyword (tag).

So if your blog does not ranked well in search engines such as google, don’t worry. Do your post everyday and tag them! Tag also can bring traffic to you. People that search through technorati (live bookmark services) for example, will find your post.

How many people use tag for searching?

I don’t know the number, but the websites that have indexed at technorati was over 40 billions. Huge number enough!

When I use technorati for the first time, I fall in love with them. I can get my post ranked well with certain tag and I can search the fresh info that people have tag. I like it!

Want to use tag?  I suggest you to use technorati.

Have experiences using tag? give a comments for others to read it. =)

Technorati Tags: , , ,

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Latest Post:

Blogger's Categories


as a user of the blogger, I know that i can't categories my post because blogger dont have that kind of funtions. So today, if you still dont know how to categories your post, this post will be great.! In this post, it will tell you how to

Categories using Technorati...

This article is taken from blog The Church at the Gate

I have been trying to figure out how to have my own categories on my blogger.com site. I have searched tutorials, blogger.com and even technorati.com to discover ways to do this.

Several bloggers have hacked ways to create entire blogs dedicated only to hosting each of their categories. In other words, when I click on "blogs" on my sidebar it would take me to another ?????.blogspot.com site that I have created specifically for that category. Too much work.

There were some javascript tutorials that I didn't understand to begin with and the steps they said to take were poorly written and difficult. I tried them all and none of them worked for me.

Finally, I was going to update my technorati profile for the first time and discovered that every tag which I had used for my posts was listed there. I then realized that I could discover the url for each of my tags that I had created for my posts through technorati and then add them as links on my sidebar just like I do with my lists of friends or important posts and such. In a stroke of brilliance, I began inserting url addresses for all of my tags. Thus, "Technorategories" were birthed. I'm no HTML genius, but I don't know if anyone else has thought of this yet, but until I know otherwise, I am claiming the coining of the term "Technorategories". (I even did a google search to see if the word even existed.

I now have all of my posts categorized and sorted thanks to Technorati.com.

Here's what blogger.com bloggers can do:
1. Sign up for Technorati with the 25.2 million other bloggers that have done so already.

2. Find the link on the Technorati site where you can "claim your blog" and do it.

3. Begin tagging each individual posts by following the technorati directions (you can go back through your whole site if you want to and tag each of them retroactively) with the code
(a href="http://technorati.com/tag/yourtagname" rel="tag")yourtagname(/a)
substitute < for (

4. Do everything that Technorati requires to tag your posts, update your profile, etc.

5. When you have tagged with the categories that you want for your blog there should be a list of your tags on your profile page at technorati.com. Use this code and paste it into your template where you want your category list to appear. Make sure you change the category name, the user name, and substitute < for (:
(li)(a href="http://www.technorati.com/tag/yourtagname?user=yourusername")yourtagname(/a)(/li)

On my sidebar, one of my tags looks like this:
(h2 class="sidebar-title")Technorategories(/h2)
(li)(a href="http://www.technorati.com/tag/blogs?user=creitz")blogs(/a)(/li)

Which can be viewed here on my blog about pastoring a church in Boston.

If any of this is unclear, please comment and I will clarify or help in any way that I can. If you are just learning about tags or categories, I can explain further. This technique makes it so you can search your own blog through your "technorategories". Every post that is tagged "blogs", for example, would be indexed on the technorati page. When someone sees one of your "blogs" posts that they want to read, they click on the link and are taken directly to your site. I hope you find this useful. It's a complete departure from my usual content.r tools, blogger tips

alright..now i will tell a little problem of this way :
your user will be directed to technorati page, means away from you blog page.
But at there, the user actually will stil can read all your post and still have a link to ur blog. If u still confuse, please click at my categories to see what i mean.

See ya!

Technorati Tags: , , ,

Friday, June 16, 2006

Latest Post:

Problems to post consistently

Do you have a problem to post at your blog consistently?

I do. Sometimes I have plenty of idea to post at my blog
but sometimes not.
This will be the problem as my readers come for
2, 3 times after certain times but still the content is not up to date. Do you
think that person will come back? Maybe if he use feed such as rss feed or
feedburner, yes he may came back. Another thing is consistency of website will
be bad. This will tell the subscribers or visitors that my blog was only
‘seasoning’. I don’t want to be mark like that!.

So how to solve it? I have found an autoresponder for blog but you must pay
for it. Check this site, self growing website if you interested. I don’t have cents, so I have other 2

  • Write all what i thinks when
    in the mood and save to draft. Publish the saved post on your blog’s
    publish time such as everyday, once per 3 day or once in a week.
  • Use all free tools. –sorry, I don’t find any. If you have one, please leave a comment and put that address website there.

you have the same problem? How to encounter this problem?

Technorati Tags: , , , , ,

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The idea of creating this blog

The idea of creating this blog :

This blog will tell ur how to maximize ur blog usage at blogger. And also a comment of what Xpert says


Blog Of The Week

Selected Blog: VideoRaimi

Besides talking about the tips and tricks, Code Blog Tips will give a review for the selected blog. At above post you have learn about the theory part, so this is some kind of practical part!
Blog Title:VideoRaimi.Blogspot
Blog Reviews + why it selected:
Why? One thing  that amaze me when visiting this blog is the his idea and the videos created are great! An example for you that want to create a blog from your interest. Give a different to your visitors. This blog does not only mumble with words but also give you to see his artwork. Good Job Raimi!

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